Speakers from all around the US, Canada, England and more. Bodyworkers abound. Students from the best massage, beauty, acupuncture & chiropractic schools in California. The show was well attended by many talented professionals in the health and wellness field like Tom Myers, Ben Benjamin & Dennis Buckley.
The scene was relaxed and casual. The venue was Town & Country Resort San Diego. A very pretty sprawling resort with a bridge out back to swanky Fashion Valley Mall. Even more appealing was the resort was only 5 miles to the beach. This Jersey Girl loves the beach. It was gonna to prove an eventful weekend.\\
I spent most of my time in the vendors area assisting Felicia Brown from Spalutions promote her new book; Free and Easy Ways to Promote Yourself. I have worked with Felicia’s business coaching services in the past and her methods, suggestions and program has help me succeed in my business. What a great opportunity for me to work with Felicia again only this time to help her spread the word to other massage therapists and wellness providers on how to successfully market yourself.
So, it is in helping others we help ourselves. I made contact with other mobile spa owners, met several friendly locals, saw some old friend and met new ones. I managed to schedule a few seminars. Keys to Business Success was my favorite. I learned that failure is the fastest way to learn and that the opposite of success is not failure..but doing nothing is. Wow! Recognize your strengths and accept you weakness’s.
There are many reasons to attend a conference’s for the aforementioned reasons, the hands on education and the latest trends and products available. But what sets One Concept Conferences apart, for me, is their commitment to community. The community of practitioners of all disciplines approaching wellness together.
The One Concept Conference is a well rounded experience. Give it a try.